Revitalizing Business School Alumni Network in Hong Kong and Beyond

Recent alumni get-togethers in different cities have strengthened the ties between graduates and the School.

Overseas Alumni Gatherings in Toronto, Shanghai and London

It was lovely seeing the smiley faces of our fellow alumni in Toronto, Shanghai and London! There was nothing better than reconnecting with our alumni across the globe and professors on a delightful evening, sharing updates about each other over a warm-hearted dinner and refreshing drinks. Our community ties are getting closer and stronger. We look forward to your participation in the near future!

MBA Alumni Mixer: New Industry-specific Networking Series Launched

Aiming to provide a targeted platform for fellow MBA alumni and current students to connect, our MBA Program has launched a new industry-specific networking event series since Spring. Two sessions were held, one of which featured the finance industry while the other presented a mix of different fields including technology, consulting, retail, healthcare, and entrepreneurship.

Thanks to the overwhelming response from our fellow MBA alumni, students, special guests, and MBA faculty members, the two evenings saw a full house with more than 400 attendances in total. The mixer events were filled with lively conversations and meaningful connections with industry practitioners and like-minded HKUST MBA professionals and beyond.