A Distinguished Guest Seminar was held successfully on May 12. It is a great honor of having Mr. Philip CHEN Nan-lok, GBS, JP, the Non-Executive Director of Hang Lung Properties Limited and the Chairman of the Hong Kong Jockey Club, to deliver a talk on “Leading Corporate Transformation and Change’’. Mr. Chen shared his valuable insights and advice from real-life experiences with the School’s postgraduate alumni.
By sharing the transformation experience with Ocean Park, Mr. Chen highlighted that to well prepare for reformation, a leader should get support, plans, people, and resources in place. He stressed that we should first observe and learn the business diligently when facing challenges, and never take any action in haste. Courage and wisdom are the indispensable elements for changes.
Mr. Chen concluded the seminar with a famous quote from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar "There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries’’ to encourage us to seize the opportunity and take the advantage of positive forces. A leader must be shrewd enough to recognize when fate offers him/her an opportunity and be bold enough to take advantage of it.
With some first-hand experience shared by Mr. Chen, the participants found the talk highly engaging with practical tips relevant to their workplace.