HKUSTAA Northern California Chapter Virtual Mid-Autumn Festival Gathering

Let's celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival!
HKUST Alumni Association Northern California Chapter cordially invite you to join the virtual Mid-Autumn Festival gathering on September 19 (Sunday) at 11:00 (Hong Kong Time).
The Gathering will held online viz Zoom in Cantonese, it will certainly connect you with your HKUST alumni and friends disregards the physical constraint. All alumni and students from around the world are welcomed to join this casual chit-chat!
Feel free to ask any questions related to Bay Area including personal life, career or even studying there.
The meeting link will be provided one day prior to the event.
11:00 - 12:00 (HKT)
20:00 - 21:00 (PDT) (Sep 18)
Online via Zoom