HKUSTAA Northern California Chapter Lunch Gathering

Hi alumni in Northern California! How is everyone doing since the past year? We hope everyone is healthy and doing well! After such a long "break", HKUST Alumni Association Northern California Chapter is finally organizing a physical event for alumni in the neighborhood!
The Chapter is planning to have a lunch gathering on July 3 (Saturday) at 12:30 (PDT). With this early notice, alumni who would like to join the lunch could have a full COVID vaccination on or before June 19 (two weeks before the gather event).
Stay safe and keep in touch!
Feel free to wear the Chapter tee to attend. If you do not have one yet, you will be able to find them for sale ($20 each) on the event day!
03:30 - 05:00 (HKT)
12:30 - 14:00 (PDT) (Jul 3)