HKUST-Sino One Million Dollar Entrepreneurship Competition 2022 (Workshop)

HKUST-Sino One Million Dollar Entrepreneurship Competition 2022 (Workshop)

Workshop: Is it innovative enough?

Interested in joining the Competition but not knowing how to present and express the innovativeness of your idea? Wondering how to verify your innovative idea?

Join the workshop while Prof. Sunny Huang, whose research projects tackle problems in online markets and innovation policy, and our alumna entrepreneur, Ms. Amanda So, who will be sharing their knowledge and experience on creating business with innovation ideas, making pitches with innovation elements to get more resources and teammates.

The HKUST-Sino One Million Dollar Entrepreneurship Competition 2022 takes place in March - June this year. It aims to provide a platform for HKUST and surrounding community members an integrative learning experience to create and evaluate new business and to prepare students to start their future career in entrepreneurship. Winners of the Competition can use the cash prize as seed money to build their own company or to further the commercialization of their inventions and scientific researches.   

Alumni and members of HKUST are all welcome to join the competition!

The application will be open on March 14, 2022. You may start forming your team for the competition among yourselves and preparing for the first round submission of the 1-min Product Introduction Video (see the submission rules for details).



Prof. HUANG, Yangguangan (Sunny)
Assistant Professor
Department of Economics
HKUST Business School

Prof. Sunny Huang is also a research affiliate at the Center for Economic Policy and faculty associate of the Division of Public Policy and Institute of Emerging Market Studies at HKUST. Sunny received his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Washington, Seattle. His research areas are Industrial Organization and Applied Microeconomics. The theme of his research is combining economic models and econometric techniques to study policy-oriented topics. His research projects tackle problems in auction, procurement, corruption, financial development, digital economy, online markets, and innovation policy.

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Ms. Amanda SO
Founder of Wistkey and MamaHelpers

Amanda is a serial entrepreneur who started her companies during her UG study in Warwick and RPG study in HKUST.  Using the skills on growth hacking and securing funding and resources she acquired then, she is currently the Founder of Wistkey and MamaHelpers; leading a 3X people team in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Philippines, Indonesia, and UK.  She is also a PhD candidate in HKUST in IPE focusing on the innovation development of start up companies.


Meeting ID for the Zoom Workshop Session: 967 1829 2555
Passcode: 050868


For details of the competition, please refer to the official website or contact






10.03.2022 - 10.03.2022 (GMT+08:00)

18:00 - 19:00


Online via Zoom
(Passcode: 050868)

Event Host
HKUST Entrepreneurship Center
Reg. Deadline